Welcome To My Blog! :)

My name is Chad Goldthwaite, and I enjoy writing about my opinions and the things that inspire me. I love to look at life from many different angles. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool idealist, but I try to keep myself grounded. I cherish personal development and learning. I hope you enjoy reading! :)

Monday, December 28, 2015

My Most Cherished Lesson From Life

Today, in a group text, my family has been sharing their thoughts with each other about daily study of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I shared my testimony of the subject with them, and I have decided to post it here, for the world to see. I call it a gem of unfathomable worth, and my most cherished lesson from life. Here is what I shared with them:

"I need to pipe in and share my testimony in this matter.

As unrealistic as the following actions may be for most people, I am compelled to admit that the happiest that I have ever been in my life was in the latter portion of the year 2010. At that time, I had successfully cultivated a strong habit of studying the gospel of Jesus Christ and praying to Heavenly Father for a combined 2 hours every morning.

Words cannot convey how much I was on fire with a passionate desire to live every day of my life for God. I was determined to do nothing more than to help build His Kingdom. I felt closer to Christ than I ever knew was possible. The Holy Ghost guided my actions effortlessly. Everything about life was pure happiness and peace, regardless of any trials. God's plan for us is called "The Plan of Happiness" for a reason.

Now that I have had that experience, my ultimate goal in life is to get there again. And I believe that it can be achieved with a more realistic amount of daily time invested into gospel study and prayer. It is up to each of us to discover the proper amount of daily gospel study and prayer for ourselves.

But, regardless of how much invested time is realistic for any of us, from my experience in life, daily gospel study and meaningful prayer are EVERYTHING.

Those daily habits are pivotal and monumentally ESSENTIAL if we wish to banish the majority of the sadness, depression, frustration, despair, anger, unworthiness, and regret from our lives.

Every good accomplishment hinges upon those two actions. Every conquered weakness revolves around them, and every ounce of pure, unadulterated and euphoric happiness relies upon them. Peace springs from them as powerfully as light radiates from the sun.

This is because at the core of those daily habits, we will find our loving Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ who gave everything for us, and the Holy Ghost who bestows all good feelings and guidance upon us, and confirms all truth to us.

The deep eternal significance of daily gospel study and prayer is my most cherished lesson from life. If taken seriously, it is a gem of unfathomable worth. And I share it with you, my family, in the name of Jesus Christ.

- W. Chad Goldthwaite
December 28, 2015"

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

LIFE ANGLES: Thoughts On Materialism In An Email To My Dad

Today, I feel like giving whoever may read this blog an even closer view into my personal heart. I don't know why I'm doing this, but part of me feels that being vulnerable and real is a good thing.

It doesn't get more real than posting a personal email that I sent to my dad this morning. So that is what I'm going to do.

I was replying to an email that he had sent me this morning, so if you'd like to see part of his email before reading my reply, scroll down and read his email first.

My dad is one of the most down-to-earth people you will ever meet. He is beloved by many people, and is an example of humility, kindness, and righteousness to me.

Now, if you are turned off by religious subjects, let me hook you and make sure that you read this post before running away.

It is safe to say that I am a very religious person. But I am also very much about secular personal development. If you are an enlightened person, be it agnostic, atheistic, or of any other spiritual belief structure, let yourself not run away from my posts.

I am friends with people of all different spiritual beliefs. And in my humble opinion, you should be too. We can all respect each others' beliefs, and find connections where we can find them. There is much of value in this post for every reader. So read on.

[This is response to my dad, and just so you know, I have made some small edits]
June 17, 2015

Thanks for sharing Dad.

I have thought about this many times over the years, as I have known since I was 10 years old that some day I would be wealthy.

I have historically passed many spiritual tests that have been put before me. I believe that have the right heart to qualify me as heaven material, and I have the right relationship with God, and a deep understanding of eternal things.

I believe that those facts will prove themselves out every time that I am confronted with temptations. I will not always be perfect in the area of materialism. But when it comes down to it, I will be led in the right direction. And I will be the person who I need to be.

Think of my life as a stock chart. I'm up and down constantly. But I'm more up than down, which equates to an overall upward trend. That upward trend is leading to eternal life with God.

I am confident that my heart and the Spirit will guide me once the wealth starts to pour in. I will not be exactly as you imagine I should be. But I will be true to myself and God. Also I will be imperfect until I die.

You know very well that I give almost no thought to how others think I should be. I make all of my decisions based upon my heart and the Spirit.

At this point I am not fully decided as to exactly how much materialism I will allow into my life. But I can promise you that I will not go overboard with it. I know full well that all of those things are completely empty without the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

True peace and fulfillment can never be linked to any material object or worldly accolade.

Time will help me unravel the puzzle of who exactly I will be with wealth.

But for now, I feel drawn to these areas:

• Building God's Kingdom
• Feeding the hungry
• Clothing the naked
• Educating the ignorant
• Inventing awesome things
• Making scientific discoveries
• Learning as much as I can possibly learn
• Physics, chemistry, math, biology, etc.
• Emotional, mental, spiritual, & bodily health
• Inspiring others
• Helping people to improve themselves
• Providing a work environment that respects people, and is very flexible and uplifting.

Some time later, a future family will be on my mind. Right now my only thoughts of that are thus:

I have basically rejected every last girl who has ever expressed interest in marrying me.

The reason for this is that I know exactly the kind of girl who I want to be with, and none of those girls were that kind of girl.

Twice I found a girl who was the kind of girl who I want to be with (within reason). Both times, I was the one who was rejected.

I have not spent a lot of effort in trying to search for a wife because of this:

• Even if I find a girl who I actually want to be with (I have very high standards), I am nowhere near worthy of her (yet).
• I would rather stay single until I have improved myself to a point where I will be worthy and able to attract a woman who is up to my standards, and can keep up with me in living the kind of life that I want to live.
• My standards for myself are extremely high. I need a girl who will match that.
• The real Chad Goldthwaite is unrecognizable from the man you know today as Chad Goldthwaite.
• My aim is to bring out my true inner self as quickly as possible.

If you or anyone else talks to me of loosing my standards and just picking someone and "settling down", I will have none of it.

Incidentally, there are two recent developments in my life that are moving me closing to being with my future wife.

1. I have for the first time in my life gotten treatment for my ADD. This is catalyzing large-scale improvements in my life.

2. I just hired an expensive life coach. This is an essential puzzle piece in helping me to reach my desires and goals. Her coaching will undoubtedly help me to build something that is aligned with my passions, and is bigger than myself; something that will affect the lives of millions of people for the better!

Love your quickly improving son,

- Chad Goldthwaite

Sent from my iPhone

I will include below a couple of snippets from my dad's email to me. Just know that this is not a summary of the email. I left a lot out, and also paraphrased a bit.

June 17, 2015
Hi Chad:

I was reading this morning, and thought of the challenging balance between having abundance, while still maintaining and keeping our distance from the desirable temptations that abundance can bring. 

I thought I'd share with you some of what I was reading:

"I will speak first of the deceitfulness of riches. Wherever we are in our spiritual journey--whatever our state of conversion--we are all tempted by this.

When attitudes or priorities are fixed on the acquisition, use, or possession of property, we call that materialism. So much has been said and written about materialism that little needs to be added here.

Those who believe in what has been called the theology of prosperity are suffering from the deceitfulness of riches. The possession of wealth or significant income is not a mark of heavenly favor, and their absence is not evidence of heavenly disfavor.

When Jesus told a faithful follower that he could inherit eternal life if he would only give all that he had to the poor (see Mark 10:17–24), He was not identifying an evil in the possession of riches but an evil in that follower’s attitude toward them.

As we are all aware, Jesus praised the good Samaritan, who used the same coinage to serve his fellowman that Judas used to betray his Savior. The root of all evil is not money but the love of money (see 1 Timothy 6:10)..."

"...Whoever has an abundance of material things is in jeopardy of being spiritually “sedated” by riches and other things of the world..."

"...Savoring the things of men means putting the cares of this world ahead of the things of God in our actions, our priorities, and our thinking.

We surrender to the “pleasures of this life”

(1) when we are addicted, which impairs God’s precious gift of agency;

(2) when we are beguiled by trivial distractions, which draw us away from things of eternal importance; and

(3) when we have an entitlement mentality, which impairs the personal growth necessary to qualify us for our eternal destiny..."

Love from Dad to a son whom I have full faith in to maintain his giving nature, his love for others, and his faithfulness to God under all future conditions.

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, May 30, 2015

LIFE ANGLES: My Letter to Every Human - The Secret Answers AndThe "Holy Grail of Happiness"

I am a caring human. A very, very caring human. And I have my flaws. But I care. Oh, I care.

I would that such heartful caring could render me immune to my human propensity to make choices that would hurt others. But as of yet, I have not reached that lofty pinnacle of achievement.

This life has us all confused at times. We all fumble and we bumble, as we make our way through this multifaceted, indescribable existence.

We strain our metaphysical, spiritual, mental, and emotional muscles to try to lock onto something that makes sense. We squint and we try to focus... But usually, despite this valiant effort, many things remain blurry.

We are probably all, every one of us shackled with some sort of compulsion; some flavor of the sundry addictions that the shop of life lays before us in splendor and grandeur, begging us to partake.

And we probably all partake at one point or another. But we march on, looking for purpose in the midst of so many unanswered questions.

Yet, deep down, somehow we often already know the answers to these questions. But we so commonly lack the courage, or the ability, or the tactful execution to act on those answers and make new paradigms bloom within our habit-laden lives.

There are some questions that have not only already been answered for me, but whose answers have also been acted upon by me. And it is those answers that very often inform my choices.

These guiding answers of mine are what I hold to be a steady stream of truths emanating from God's throne on high. They are so solid; ever so strong, and eternally stalwart in the face of opposing ideas that to my understanding reek of less truth.

I feel that He is there; that He cares, that He is looking down upon us with endless and incomprehensibly perfect love. He cares for our eternal well-being, and yes, He fully comprehends the fact that things are extremely hard for us at times.

But we agreed to this. We signed up for this. We may not remember doing it, but we did. The pain, the sorrow, the confusion, we all signed up for this. Every last one of us. It is the struggle that makes us.

A path of ease never made anyone stronger.

The depths of lows that we experience here in life... They open up our understanding and they free our minds to comprehend, appreciate, and fully embrace the rapturous joys that can be offered by those varying levels of happiness that are here for the taking.

But how to take happiness? How to grasp it? How to embrace those inexpressible joys in our lives?

The answer is here before us:

"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."

"And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual..."

Now read that again!

But this time, read it with your whole mind, your full heart, your entire soul, and your eternally cherished spirit. Read it with every last bit of understanding, curiosity, yearning, and hoping that you can possibly muster from deep within that being that is you.

"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."

"And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual..."

Did it sink in? It is a formula for happiness; the holy grail if you will. And all that remains is for us to seek out those things that God has shared with mankind, and to study them, and to come to know for ourselves the supreme happiness and contentedness that is to be had in following the path that He has laid out for us.

If He created us, it stands to reason that He knows a little bit more than we know. How ignorant and how foolish would we be not to search out His words, and not to try to discover what treasures He has left for us; those treasures of spiritual knowledge that are definitively the instructions for how to find that "holy grail of happiness".

Everything we do, all of our actions here in this ever-confusing existence, we do for one thing and one thing only, whether or not we realize it.

And that one guiding motivation is that we are all just trying to find happiness. A search for happiness is what drives us; it's a yearning that is permanently embedded deep down within the recesses of the human heart.

Yet so sadly, thousands die at their own hands because they have exhausted so many efforts trying to find this hidden holy grail of happiness, and yet they still have not found it.

But even more sad is the undeniable fact that it was right here, right under their noses all along. They just didn't see it. They didn't take that leap of faith and give God and His Son a chance.

They didn't come unto Him.

They instead spent their days seeking those illusory false projections; those misshapen ideas that fool so many of us, those things that we thought would make us happy but turned out only to end in disillusionment.

I know for myself, without any doubt, that the true answers to so many of the questions that we have in this life can be found within the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We just have to cultivate a desire to seek them out.

And once we find them, we need only latch onto them with everything that we have.

That's it. That's our job. Done.

We must grasp these eternal answers and grip them, and focus on them and hold them in front of our view. We must envelop ourselves in them, and surround our lives with them. We must refer to them when making decisions, and always measure ourselves against them.

Once we follow this formula that I have learned for myself to be the true formula for happiness in this life, we will indeed taste the sweetness of that priceless treasure that we call happiness. And it will be a higher and more potent level of pure happiness and peace than we ever could have previously fathomed.

And then when life gets hard; when stresses pile up, when overwhelm sets in, and when sorrow takes hold... We will be surprised to see welling up within us a new strength that we never knew we had. And at that point, these words will make full and perfect sense to us:

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

Let it sink in.

That was Jesus speaking. And He speaks truth.

I know this for myself. And I am sharing it with you now. I am giving you the formula for happiness.

And this formula for happiness is worth more than all the gold in the world.

Just turn to God. Turn to Jesus. Say a prayer to God and close it in Jesus' name. Speak to Him about everything. Ask questions. Tell Him things. Share your feelings with Him aloud, even though He already knows them.

Search for the powerful words of God, Jesus, and God's prophets in the living scriptures. Search for those treasures of eternal knowledge that are just so extremely invaluable.

Do this, and God and Jesus together will fill you with such immeasurably high, yes, such nigh unquantifiably lofty levels of peace, joy, and happiness that there will be no words to truly articulate it.

And you will be ever grateful that you took that leap of faith and gave them a chance.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Life Angles: LIFE Acronym #18 - Luxury Is First Earned

LIFE Acronym #18:
"Luxury Is First Earned"

The title of a recent post that I wrote was "Lightning Is Flashing Everywhere". I wrote it in the same reclining chair that I'm in right now, and on the same back porch. And just as it was when I wrote that post, lightning is flashing everywhere again tonight as I write this one. But this time it makes me think of something else.

You see, a lot of this majestic natural show is unfortunately blocked by a brand-new 2-story house that was completed less than a month ago. The house was built extremely fast, because the builders and construction workers don't have much work right now, so they pump them out fast when they do have a house to build. But I suppose that the real estate bubble is a subject for another post.

Tonight, as I was looking at this towering stucco wall next door, I decided to talk about the materialism that we think is so normal. This guy who moved in next door, whoever he is (I haven't had the chance to meet him yet), obviously feels pretty good about his job security. But so did the 1 in 14 people in the Phoenix Valley who are in foreclosure right now.

This new neighbor of mine has two brand-new cars parked outside in front of his house. And I can pretty much guarantee you that he does not own them. You know who does? The bank! And when he finally pays them off, he will have given the bank a ton of profit, and ultimately paid way more than the cars were worth in the first place (not to mention that if he bought them new, they dropped several thousand dollars in value the very second that he drove them off the lot). Why is he willing to pay through the nose to drive something that he does not own? Materialism and instant gratification, that's why. It's this system that we've been tricked into thinking is normal.

WOW!!! Quick interjection. I just saw the BEST lightning strike! Oh man, it was amazing! It was like a giant, monstrous, wiry and blindingly bright hand reaching across the sky! The sky came alive, and I witnessed the apparition of some sort of a previously unclassified energy monster or plasma golem materializing out of nowhere. This powerful monster proceeded to ominously warn everyone of his domineering, forceful supremacy with the same thunderous roar that made the ancients think that he was a deity. You missed out big time by not sitting right next to me and watching the sky with me. It was probably the best strike I've seen all year. :) Anyway, on with the story...

We Americans live in the richest time period in the world's history, and in the richest nation in the world. In the last 20 years or so, our population has grown by 10%, yet our money supply has increased 900%!!! I'm pretty sure I heard recently that our 5% of the world's population has more wealth than all of the other nations combined!

Yet we still somehow feel the need to get in DEBT for a house that the rest of the world would consider a mansion?! WE'VE BEEN CONNED!! This is the land of opportunity! Think of the good old days when people would work hard and save for the things that they wanted. Today people in CHINA save more than the average American. In fact, last I heard, our national savings average wasn't even a positive number! It was negative 2%!

To get to that number, there has to be a LOT of people who are in debt and living check to check with no savings. And there are. Statistically, the odds say that you are most likely one of them. Did you know that the average American would lose everything that they have if they were out of work for just three months?

The banks are making oodles and gobs of money off of our backs with their credit cards, ARMs (Adjustable Rate Mortgages), REFIs, CDs, savings accounts and Money Market accounts.

Did you know that in the investing industry, they purposely make bonds look bad because they only pay the broker 2%? Mutual Funds, ETFs, Annuities, and stocks pay the broker from 3% to 12%! That money comes out of your pocket when you buy those investment vehicles. And when the market tanks, you lose big with all of these equity-linked investment vehicles that you were tricked into buying. I'm not saying that all brokers know better. But the people who created these investment vehicles in the first place do know better.

The banks take in BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars from grannies with their IRAs, white-collar dads with their 401(k)s, and hapless, young, inexperienced would-be investors with their "high interest CDs". Banks are in business to make a profit. They take your money, invest it, keep most of the profits, and give you a little tiny speck of profit back for good measure. This was YOUR MONEY. They would have never made a DIME if you hadn't entrusted them with your hard-earned cash in the first place.

When the banks take in all your money, do you think that they buy mutual funds and ETFs with it? Do you think that they are out there buying annuities or large-cap growth stocks with your money? Had you ever even stopped to THINK about what they were using your money on? I can tell you.

For a large part, THEY BUY BONDS WITH IT! That's right, bonds, if bought right and held right, provide a SOLID form of income for the banks, and are much more reliable than stocks and other equity-linked investments. The banks take your grandma's money, invest it in bonds, make 4% to 12% or more from it, and give her back a measly 1/4%! Yes, that's one fourth of a percent. But even if they paid 2% it'd still be a ripoff.

When you buy a stock, you are buying a percentage of that company. That means that you share in the risk. So, when the company's stock tanks, you have no recourse because you are PART-OWNER. That's the risk that you take. And precisely that risk is what they've conned the VAST MAJORITY of Americans into taking.

If you buy a Bond, you are LENDING money to a company, a city, a county, or maybe even the federal government (think Treasury Bonds). Compared to ownership, debt is treated very seriously in our society. If you buy part of a company, and the company can't afford to pay you, nobody is really going to help you get that money, because that's risk that you took. But, if you LEND a company money and they don't pay, by golly you can get a boatload of lawyers all lined up on your side to help you get that money. And they'll have the LAW on their side.

Have you ever been on the borrowing end of this equation (think calls from a collection agency)? Which side do you think it's better to be on? I think it's obvious. Yet, they've tricked us all into constantly being on the wrong side of the lending equation.

Wouldn't you like to be the bank? Bonds have guaranteed principle and interest that is often even backed by the Federal Government or a government agency, or by a strong bond insurer like the MBIA. And bonds are much safer for other reasons as well.

Let's consider a company in bankruptcy. The stockholders will likely get screwed. If you have a mutual fund or an ETF, you are a stockholder. When a company goes bankrupt, naturally they sell off all their assets to pay their debts. Bondholders are CREDITORS, and therefore that's the first place that the money goes. THEN, if there's any left over, it goes to preferred stockholders, and then finally to common stockholders. So you see? This is why they have made it popular for YOU AND YOUR FAMILY to be buying stocks, while the banks who really know what's going on buy the bonds.

I am an Investment Broker by trade right now, and I work at the firm with my dad. There at the firm (just at OUR OFFICE), we do what LESS THAN 1% of all brokers do, which is to focus almost entirely on Bonds. In our clients' portfolios, we typically do from 90% bonds and 10% small cap stocks, to 95% bonds and 5% small cap stocks. And, do you know what happens? OUR CLIENTS STAY AROUND!!! My dad can honestly boast that in 8 years, he has NEVER lost a client due to portfolio problems. Yet, if you read about what has happened to the brokers in the investing industry because of the '08 crash, you'll see that that is virtually UNHEARD OF. Not only did he not lose any clients, he actually GAINED a lot of clients. Why? Let me give you a common scenario for my dad:

One of his clients would be out golfing with his buddies, and his buddies would be lamenting the situation of the market. They'd say "I'm down 40%, how about you?". And the other would say "Man, I'm down 60%!". Then they would turn to my dad's client and ask "What about you? How much are you down?" And he'd say, "Well, I'm not down at all! In fact, I'm UP!" You know what the next words of their mouths would be? "Who is your broker and what is his number?!"

My dad was going over the accounts of all of his clients the other day, many of whom have made money HAND OVER FIST during the last three years (we're talking doubling and tripling their accounts). The client who made the LEAST was STILL in the positive and outdid the average return of the stock market. Most everyone else out there at all the other brokerages was way in the red. But not a single one of my dad's clients. Why? Because they were being the bank! They were on the winning side of the lending scenario. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.

I'm just showing you this to try and help you to see the light of the con that we are all living in. The big guys have found ways to trick us out of more money. They especially dipped into our pockets when they figured out a way to take your Grandma's money by allowing banks to invest CD money in risky investments. They also tapped into our bank accounts legally (that word is a joke these days), when they figured out how to take your dad's money by instituting the 401(k) plans. In the 401(k), you can't even really buy bonds. In fact, you don't really have that much control over what is purchased. And for the most part, all 401(k) money is in equity-linked securities. That's the kind of thing that slides to rock bottom when the market tanks. Risky.

When you borrow money from your friend, and the market tanks, don't you still owe him the same amount of money? Yet companies take your money, and don't have to pay you back near as much because you rode the stock market down to oblivion with everyone else. They got that money from you. And when the "perceived value" of their company shrunk due to the market crash, they were now obligated to pay you back a much lower amount.

That's called legalized theft. It's not theft when the person who buys equity ownership really does it on purpose and knows what they're doing. But it's theft when they trick all grannies and white-collar dads into doing it as well. These poor unfortunate people entrust their financial advisors and investment brokers with their money, only with the hope that they will take care of it, make it grow, and provide a retirement for them.

But the financial advisors and investment brokers have been tricked into the system too, with their educations, the tests that they studied for and took to get their licenses, the training that they received from their firms, and all the stuff that they see on the news and read in the newspaper, on the online articles, and in their financial magazines that arrive snugly folded in their mailboxes every month.

Plus, the brokers and advisors see the differences in commissions, and purposely want to promote the higher-paying investments anyway. And if you've been in sales, you know that you can present almost anything in a perfect light. But what of truth? Shouldn't truth trump a fancy presentation? You need to be seeking it.

Now back to debt. They have also tricked us into paying three times over for our houses, by making us think it's normal to borrow for a huge house that we can barely afford. Did you know that another of the main things that banks invest in are a wonderfully solid source of cash flow called MORTGAGE NOTES?! That's right, they're making a killing off of you. And they sell your loan all around. It changes hands left and right, because it is an ASSET. It's a solid, income-producing ASSET. It DOESN'T GO DOWN WITH THE STOCK MARKET. People just keep on paying.

Of course, a lot of the sub-prime loans that were issued a few years back during the "zero-down", hardly-regulated bank home lending frenzy are now biting the banks in the backside. But the banks are still making money, because despite all of the foreclosure doom and gloom, there are plenty of people who are happy to keep on paying them (not to mention that our corrupt government is happy to bail them out with our tax dollars and fake printed money if needs be).

Oh man, I could go on forever. How about all of the negative equity that we see in the houses today? These houses are all left over from the real estate bubble (which again was a somewhat calculated plan and could have been avoided had we had people of integrity running this big vast globe that we call home). These upside-down houses are interspersed throughout every neighborhood, and the mortgages that people owe on them are WAY higher than the current FMV (Fair Market Value) of the houses. Many people are just walking away, even when they can actually afford to keep paying the payment.

But I believe that the honest and scrupulous thing to do is to pay the debts that you agreed to pay. I am not an advocate of insolvency; I'm not so fond of the ability to write off debts that you rightfully owe. It just seems dishonest to me.

Even though so many people are upside down in their houses, they are fighting to keep paying these inflated amounts. But for the most part they're not doing this because they feel morally obligated to pay. They're doing it because they don't want to mess up their credit, and they don't want to look bad in front of their friends and family.

They're fighting to stay afloat, and are gladly paying an arm and a leg to keep up this illusion, this facade of wealth that they are presenting to the world. Everyone is just trying to "keep up with the Joneses", and surround themselves with luxurious things that they haven't earned yet. And I'd say that it's gotten to the point of avarice.

People are not spending INCOME when they get into debt. They're spending IFcome. That means that IF the money continues to come in as they expect, then they'll be able to keep paying the payments on their CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION called a home loan, and paying the debt down. But what IF NOT? What IF the money DOESN'T keep coming? Creditors don't just say, "Oh, your income is down from what it was before? Well then I'll just accept a lower payment from you." No, on the contrary, you still have to pay the full amount on your debts, even when your income drops.

So why do people strap themselves down like this? They do it because it's normal. They do it because our whole society has bought into the con that was created for us by greedy men with sly minds and influential pocketbooks.

From what I remember, a forcelosure stays on your credit for 7 years, and a bankruptcy stays on your credit for 10 years. As I was saying earlier, the main thing that keeps people fighting to pay upside-down mortgages is not a feeling of moral obligation. It's the fear of losing their ABILITY TO BORROW MONEY in the future (fear of messing up their credit) that keeps them paying their inflated mortgage payment.

You see? Do you see what this whole big con has caused us to be like? We put so much value on the ability to borrow, that it scares us to death to think of dinging our credit or permanently damaging it. It's because borrowing has become the backbone of our society.

And I'm not even going to go into the fact that the government is actually a CORPORATION now, and YOU are a corporation as well, with your social security number, and your birth certificate. Don't believe me? Look it up. It was their trick for getting around the Constitution. When they say "Are you WARREN CHAD GOLDTHWAITE?", and you say "Yes", they're taking that to mean that you are admitting that you are acting in behalf of the CORPORATION that they set up for you when you were born. Corporations are in ALL CAPS. The UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT is in all caps as well, and so is the FEDERAL RESERVE and YOUR NAME ON YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE, because they're ALL CORPORATIONS!!! Income tax is against the constitution. We are not supposed to have it. They're robbing us blind. Funding for a SMALL government is supposed to come from other sources, including some small taxes, and tariffs, and the exporting of goods, etc.

Okay, back to the whole lending/borrowing subject. I believe that business sometimes need to borrow to expand, and I think that debt is permissible if you are leveraging it to create some sort of a stream of income for yourself, or investing it into the growth of your company.

But debt for personal use is just an expenditure that you can live without. Think about renting a house. People argue that if you buy, it's a lower payment, and if the house appreciates in value, you will have the equity. That may be true, but what if you have some sort of an emergency? What if you get injured, or you have to move? If you're renting, you can just pick up and go. I believe in being unencumbered. So I suggest that you rent a house that you can afford, and save up as much of your income as you can so that you can eventually buy a house FREE AND CLEAR! Imagine the freedom and peace of mind that you would have if the majority of your income was at your disposal, rather than going to huge banks with their high interest rates and 30-year mortgages?

I'm trying to teach a new mindset here; the mindset of investing correctly, and saving for what you want, and buying it cash. Don't get me wrong, I may borrow for a house if I think that I can pay it off in 3 to 5 years with less than 50% of my income. But you'll never see me locking myself into a 30-year mortgage that I'm spending 50%-75% of my income on. Yet that is exactly what everyone else is doing. And they're doing it with much more than just houses and cars.

I'm telling you, just because this is "the norm" does not mean that you should do it. This is not the best way. There is a better way. But the problem is that this is the popular way. Did we ourselves make it popular? Did we ourselves come up with this "ingenious" idea of borrowing to the hilt and living in a false lap of luxury?

No. The big people with all the money did. And it was no accident. They did it deliberately, with their clandestine meetings and their plans that they deny exist. They did it so that they could find a way to take more money out of the pockets of the most free and richest people on the planet. These big people in power like to line their pockets with our money, so that they can afford to keep buying the ownership of our minds and tricking us into their next big scam.

We are all acting like sheep. Look around you, and you'll see that everyone is a lemming, following the crowd to whatever end. All the lemmings are living it up on OPM (Other People's Money) right now. And they have hardly anything to show for themselves because they have mortgaged away their lives and their gold for a quick rush, a pillow that's plush, and toilet that will flush.

My cousin and her husband are doing something that I am extremely impressed with. They are buying their first house with cash. They're saving all that they can, and it's adding up, slowly but surely. They are going against the grain. I've heard of very people who do this. But imagine the POWER that just a few years of delayed gratification can give you! They will be so financially free, and at such a young age. We would do good to learn from them and follow their good examples.

Did you know that since I was a teenager, I've had the goal of buying my house with cash? This is a very rare mindset these days. It's part of what's led me to study entrepreneurship so heavily, as well as any other subject that would be valuable for a businessman to know.

But I haven't merely STUDIED these things. I've tried my best to ACT upon them. I buy all of my cars cash. It's actually a popular mindset in my family to buy your cars with cash. It's because we're not all caught up in the presentation. I was actually considering financing a car once, and my family all started looking at me like I was crazy.

We're not caught in the trap of trying to look rich. We believe in having reliable, practical cars. My dad made six figures last year, yet he drives a 1999 Chevy Silverado truck. My brother-in-law makes a quite decent income at University of Phoenix, yet he drives a late 90's Saturn that he bought with cash.

Come to think of it, I'm probably the most materialistic-minded person in my entire family. I love fancy cars. But the difference between me and the rest of our nation, is that I will not buy a fancy car until I can buy it with cash. I have never financed a car in my entire life.

And I've never financed a house. But I haven't bought one with cash yet either... Notice I said "YET". I wouldn't mind surrounding myself with nice things. I am not opposed to the idea of a nice house or an abundant lifestyle. But, we're in AMERICA for Pete's sake! This is the land of opportunity! Why not be prudent and deny yourself such things until you have really EARNED them? Delayed gratification gives the delayer a golden, gleaming prize that the instant-gratifier will never know or comprehend.

This is the Promised Land! It's what thousands of people have given their blood, sweat, and tears to protect. And it's what our beloved Founding Fathers gave so much of their time, talents, and heart and soul to create.

Why not show our lion-hearted Founding Fathers that we can be people of character like they were?! Do you think that the Founding Fathers would fit into this borrow-happy, instant-gratifying, materialistic, late-night-news-believing, irresponsible, tyrannical-law-ratifying society that we have created for ourselves?

Neither do I. Yet the Founding Fathers are some of my most esteemed and revered role models. That means that I'd rather be more like them than like today's typical "normal" Americans, even if it makes me fit in less in this society. I'm trying to change what's "normal". Would you care to join me?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Life Angles: LIFE Acronym #16 - Labels Impede Flowering Excellence

LIFE Acronym #16:
"Labels Impede Flowering Excellence"

As with most of my posts, this one is going to include a bit of my own personal opinions. I hope that my readers will either "see the light" and agree with me, or agree to disagree with me. Most of all, I hope that nobody gets offended or defensive.

Now, I am not a parent, nor have I ever been one. But I have watched my own parents, watched many other parents, and read about yet more. I have seen parents who are quick to slap labels on their children, and I think that in most cases such behavior is wrong, and stymies the growth and progression of that child.

Now, I hold the optimistic belief that most parents are genuinely trying hard to do the best that they can in raising their children. And I believe that when parents make the mistake of labeling their children, they do not realize that they are making a mistake. They are simply following what this messed-up society has taught them.

I am no pessimist; on the contrary, I am an incorrigible optimist and an avid idealist. But that does not mean that I am blind to what I see are the problems in this world.

Let me tell you something about this "messed-up society", as I have referred to it. Somewhere, at some time in the recent past, some people in the medical and social fields decided that they needed to create terms for everything that they saw as a "problem" in people's behavior. They sought to explain such "problems" by finding "imbalances" in the brain, lymphatic systems, adrenal systems, and other variables. But everything is relative. Who were they to say that one mixture of brain chemistry is better than another?!

There may well be differing amounts of these variables present in different people. But that does not mean that it is a "problem" or should be treated as such. It's not a problem; it's a DIFFERENCE. And individuality is one of humankind's best features.

What of temperaments and personality types? I doubt that those "label-happy" people though much about that sort of thing. All they did was assume that the types of behavior that they considered "wrong" were due to something being "out of its proper balance". And even if that is true sometimes, it's nonetheless best not to be labeling your children.

I was home-schooled, then went to a private school and a charter school. Home-schooling parents often have a divergent outlook on the differences that they see among children. And they're MUCH slower to slap a "label" on a child than the crowd-following parents who hardly step outside of the box of this society's influences to think for themselves.

Even if a so-called "disability" does cause a child to learn slowly, that doesn't mean that there's something "wrong" with that child.

For instance, I took much longer to grasp reading than most kids do. Maybe I just wasn't all that interested in it. Or maybe there was indeed something "chemical" going on in my brain that caused me to learn it slower than most. But my parents didn't worry about it. They didn't treat me differently, and they didn't go have some quack prescribe a MIND-ALTERING DRUG WITH SIDE EFFECTS!

Sorry for the bluntness and rude style of speaking, but sometimes I just like to rant and rave about the subjects that get to me the most. I don't mean to offend any well-meaning doctors, pharmacists, case workers, or parents. I just think that you're all a product of the improper teachings that our society has fed you your whole lives.

And before you say "Oh, he's just trying to pad his own ego and make himself feel better for being slow to learn to read when he was a kid", please bear with me as I finish the story.

I didn't follow the same pace as most kids. But when I finally DID pick up reading 2 or 3 years after most kids did, BOY DID I GET IT! I rocketed past all the other kids my age, and took off to the stratosphere!

Let me give you an analogy. Let's say that you decide to have a race between a hot air balloon and a rocket. You get them both all ready for launch, and the crowds start to gather for the big event!

The hot air balloon is filled and is only tethered down by a couple of ropes. The rocket is positioned and ready, with a long fuse. They shoot the guns and the race begins! The hot air balloon instantly takes off, climbing upwards at a nice pace. The fuse is lit, but the rocket sits still as the long fuse continues to burn.

People start complaining, saying that there's something wrong with the rocket, and it's way slower than the hot air balloon. Other people think that those people are idiots. Can't they see that the fuse is burning?! But no, they can't, because they are blinded by the bright sun and the distance. But the people who are close to the rocket know better.

The hot air balloon is getting really high up there now. The pessimistic, problem-creating people begin calling their friends and saying, "There's something wrong with the rocket! It needs to be fixed! Bring your tool kit and we'll volunteer to go help the rocket team fix it before it's too late. We'll tell them what's wrong with it because we're smart and we know about rockets!".

They call the the rocket team people on their cell phones and explain the solutions that they've come up with. But the rocket team won't hear it. They know that the rocket is perfectly fine, and they tell the naysayers so.

A general state of relative confusion reigns for a little while, but finally, VINDICATION!!! The crowds are stunned in a glorious instant as a loud, commanding boom breaks out, followed by a sound that is half roar and half screech! People turn to look, and they see the masterfully-crafted rocket just as it shoots upward and onward with hyper-speed, powerfully and competently slicing through the atmosphere. It quickly overtakes the balloon, and continues on and out of sight! There is no more doubt in anyone's mind about the rocket. Everyone knows that it is perfectly fine. In fact, some would say that it excels!

Just as the rocket in my analogy, when I did pick up reading, I took off at breakneck speed! I was soon reading at college level, and testing far above the averages of my same-age comrades. In fact, English and other languages have come easily to me ever since. I tested into Honors college English and math, and took college classes while I was in high school, graduating early with several college credits.

When I took my Series 7 and Series 63 tests to become an Investment Broker, I studied more than half of the entire Series 7 study materials just the day before! And I passed the 6-hour, 250-question test on the first try. The lady at corporate was shocked, saying that it is known as one of the hardest tests out there. Many people simply cannot pass it, and most people do not pass it on the first try. When I took the Series 6, which is a 3-hour, 100-question test, I studied the ENTIRE THING the day before, and still passed IT TOO on my first try.

I once took a 40-question I.Q. test and only missed one question! It compared me to Einstein! Of course, I know I'm nowhere near his level of genius and intelligence.

But you tell me, back when I was a little kid, and was slow to learn to read, was something "wrong" with me? I DON'T THINK SO!!!

How many kids in the public schooling system have been falsely labeled because they learned at a different pace than the pace that the authorities have decided is normal?

How many of them have been embarrassed during this key social developmental stage because of these labels? How many of them overcame the sub-conscious scars? Or how many of them suffered as unconfident people when they should have been wildly competent and totally confident with their abilities?

The term "learning disability" is sometimes true, but is sometimes a false label. The same goes for the terms "ADD", "ADHD", "OCD", etc.

I myself display some of the signs of so-called "Attention Deficit Disorder". Think about that. The last word in that acronym is "disorder". Do you really want your kids to be going around thinking that something is wrong with them?

They are different, they are individual, but they are not WRONG. Everyone is a diverse and original creation. We should honor differences as something that gives people character, just as a woman's facial mole is not despised, but instead is called a "beauty mark". A beauty mark is not considered a blemish, but is cherished as one of that woman's unique identifiers, and is actually considered to be highly attractive.

Keep in mind that the labels that parents give to their children are not always of the clinical nature.

Labels that parents sometimes give their children include varying degrees of derogatory terms, such as "lazy", "inconsiderate", "disobedient", "selfish", "mean", "rude", "hyper", "difficult", "brat", "hellion", "rebel", "loser", "dumb", "stupid", "foolish", "naive", "ignorant", "weak", and "bad", among many others.

When you put a negative label on a child, it only pours more gas on the fire. Soon the child starts believing your labels, and acting accordingly. Find a way to avoid labels.

It wasn't until I was an adult that I learned that I had "ADD tendencies", and was slow at learning to read. My parents never labeled me, and I am very thankful for that.

I still do zone out of a conversation sometimes, because my mind is always whirring, always thinking, always processing the world around me and the thoughts within me in interesting ways. But when I zone out of a conversation, I am always considerate, and I apologize and ask the person to repeat what they were saying. And my friends consider me a true friend. I've even been called a good listener!

They say that people with that label called "ADD" have genius tendencies, and can accomplish amazing things when they do focus. So even if I were to be diagnosed with that LABEL, I would never accept anything even remotely resembling a drug. I don't want some mind-altering chemical going in there and messing with the way that God made me. I like myself very well the way that I am, thank you very much.

And you should love your children the way that they are, and celebrate the diversity that they bring to the world and to your home. Don't force them around as some kind of a serf who is subservient to you. Don't put yourself on such a pedestal that you feel the need to exercise unrighteous dominion over them, or your spouse for that matter.

Speaking of spouses, DON'T LABEL YOUR SPOUSE!!!

Don't try to change anyone's nature. Only try to shape people's future by believing in their divine potential, and pointing them in the direction of true and empowering principles. And most importantly, be a good example.