LIFE Acronym #3:
"Laughter Irresistibly Forms Enthusiasm"
Did you know that the average American child laughs about 200 times per day, while the average American adult laughs only 15?
I recently read a story of a lady who was running a seminar on the power of positive enthusiasm, and had everyone participate in a little activity.
She told everyone to get up and greet the people around them as if they were looking for someone more important. People got up and casually greeted each other, sometimes with their heads down, or looking past the person, or talking with a passive, subdued tone. Then, she had everyone get up again and greet the people around them as if they were a long-lost friend.
The room quickly erupted with noise, laughter, joyous tones, positive energy, and convivial smiles. When it was time for her to speak again, they were so into this positive social interaction that it was hard to get everyone's attention and get them to quiet down.
She then directed their attention to the energy in the room. It was palpable. It had been FABRICATED, yet it was REAL. It had been conjured up from within, by simply having people PRETEND that they were excited to see somebody.
There is a veritable renewing force hidden behind each smile, and within each laugh. There is a powerful, positive energy stored deep within each of us, and it is waiting for us to simply DECIDE to access it.
Think of those times when you are in a low energy slump; the times when you're sad because you let something get to you, something that you have set up as a CONDITION that your happiness is dependent upon.
Happiness is NOT conditional. It is YOUR choice. Your mood is YOUR choice. This is a universal truth that holds true NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS IN YOUR LIFE. It is a state of mind, a higher consciousness that can be developed and attained if you seek it.
Do you know how feelings work? Think about that for a moment. I had a friend ask me that question recently. How would you answer that question? It's simple.
Here's how feelings work:
You tell your subconscious mind how to feel, and it obeys! If you do not tell it how to feel, it comes up with its own way to feel, to make up for the lack of conscious instruction.
Think of the times when you're bored, passive, or even sullen. It could be for no apparent reason, or it could be due to an outside catalyst.
When we feel this way, we tend to want to stay there. We tend to want to wallow longer in our own self-pity. This accomplishes nothing, yet it seems to be the accepted norm. We tend to leave it up to external influences, and just wait until "something happens" to lift our mood again.
This is a way of minimizing our own personal power, and passing it on to somebody or something else. Are you in the habit of laying your own personal power on a sidewalk, and leaving it open to the elements and the whims of the city?
When was the last time that you held your own personal power in your hand and kept it safe, and in your own possession? When was the last time that you used that mystical source of power called "your own will" to change the way you felt or thought?
It's there, within your own mind. Just use it. Next time you feel melancholy, make a conscious decision not to wallow. When you wallow in those feelings, you lose precious moments of your life.
And your life is a mere blink in eternity, and is more valuable than the largest King's vault on the planet. Your time is your most PRECIOUS asset. Don't squander it in unproductive, wasteful, hurtful expenditures of negative energy.
I may have made my point, but I'm not sure if you're listening. I don't want you to read this and then forget about it. I want you to REMEMBER it.
REMEMBER it the next time that you are feeling dejected, despondent, or downhearted. REMEMBER it, and CHOOSE to change your mood.
With a little practice, you can begin to control your inner mind simply by DECIDING how to feel. But, before you get to that point, you can simply do it the easy way if you must. Here's the easy way:
• Simply DECIDE to put in a positive CD or video.
• DECIDE to surf to a positive and uplifting website on the internet.
• DECIDE to pick up a cheerful, inspirational book and read it until your mood changes.
• DECIDE to do a Google search for "funny jokes".
• DECIDE to go back and read some of your encouraging journal entries.
• DECIDE to call a good friend or a close family member, and ask them to help you lift your mood. Talk about what's bothering you, but more importantly, relate it to the big picture and talk about the true essence of life.
• DECIDE to somehow remind yourself of what really matters.
• DECIDE to fly up to the stratospheric layer of your life's atmosphere, and view yourself from a better perspective; a less blinded, more open perspective that illuminates the paradigms that reflect PURE TRUTH, and shades the ones that reflect your own perceived realities.
If laughter irresistibly forms enthusiasm, then it is solid proof that we can control our own positive energy.
Remember this:
Even when positive vibes are not spurred by outside influences, but instead are forced because of a CONSCIOUS decision, they still have the same result.
I wish you the best of luck in your journey of LIFE.
One more thing...
Considering the title of this post, I felt it appropriate to post a joke... :)
"The Vacuum Salesman"
A young vacuum cleaner salesman had just completed his training, and was anxious to put his skills to work. He set out to canvass a neighborhood, armed with a vacuum, a small shovel, and a bag full of cow patties.
He took his fancy vacuum cleaner to the front door of the first house and knocked on the door loudly. A rather unpleasant woman answered.
Before she could say anything, he quickly tossed a pile of moist cow patties onto the rug behind her, stepped in past her and ground them into the rug with his cargo boots.
"Lady," he said, "If this powerful vacuum cleaner doesn't completely eradicate all of those cow patties with thorough precision in the next 5 minutes, I'll eat them myself."
"I'll get you a spoon," scowled the lady. "Our electricity hasn't been turned on yet." A look of shock and horror immediately formed on the young salesman's countenance.
Then, after a brief moment of pensive hesitation, he promptly dashed over to the next house, rapped on the door, and said to the man who answered, "Do you have an extension cord?"
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
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